Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jordan River

Our boat on the Sea of Galilee- complete with fishing nets and an attempt to catch some fish- from both sides of the boat- to no avail, and Jewish religious singer, also selling his CD,s. The captain raised an American flag and played the Star Spangled Banner. I got to stear the boat with the captain and first mate! At the museum we saw a preserved fishing boat from Jesus' time and learned how they preserved and moved it here.

After lunch of fish from the Joordon River which we ate beside it was time for our babtism. Joan and I dunked in the river and babtised each other in our official babtism robes. Some were naked underneath but we brought our suits. Laurel is a true Jones girl- in the middle of it all. We collected our holy Jordon river water and proceeded down the Jordaneon border by date and banana plantations and various mystery crops. We saw jeeps and soldiers along the road but they are not to scary- even pose for photos if you ask. The armedguard at the checkpoint- a girl- came on aour bus to say hello. We climed the mountain next for our firt peek at Jerusalem. Lots of Bedoowins tith tents and flocks along the road. They were trapped between Jordan and Israel----

The air is still hazy with the dust from the desert to the north so hard to see clear view of Jerusalem but got a peek at Mt. of Olives and had celebration with wine and bread at the top of the mountain. Nice dinner with our new friend Denise.

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