Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Arrival in Tel Aviv

We arrived yesterday MaRCH 3RD AT 3:15 in the afternoon after 24 hours of traveling. It was quite a long adventure getting here. First we went to Washington Dulles airport and had a nice 2 hour layover. Then we went ot Vienna for another 2 hour layover. At least they have a Starbucks in the Vienna terminal. No good giftshops and still unable to get the proper power adapter. oh well. Next flight again on Austrian Air, this time an airbus. mom and I don't sit together but we slept alot anyway. The heat was blasting and we felt drugged- couldn't stay awake if we had wanted to. perhaps there was something in all that wine they brought us. We met our tour group of 10 and had a nice dinner last night. Staying in the Cinema Hotel, used to be an old cinema early in the last century- lots of old movie making paraphanalia all over and old photos and stuff. Pretty cool really. Off now for our firt tour in Tel Aviv!

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