We are up early to move on to the Palestinian Territory. Our Israeli guide left last night and a mystery bus picked us up and drove us to a gas station, he speaks no English and we hope we are going to the right place... next to another gas station... many cell phone calls... OK... new bus driver shows up and our guide Tony introduces himself. We were all a little nervous with all the news reports of the unrest and protests in Jeruselum the day before but we are in good hands now. We feel like we have entered a new world, not the same Israel we just were in yesterday- much poorer area, roads are all bumpy and potholed, garbage all around, but people we meet on the streets and market are all so very friendly- much more open .. they all go out of their way to say "hello' and "welcome", they all smile.
Our first stop was Nablus. There are 1st C. ruins of Sumarians on the top of Mt. Qaseen. Now the stories start that don't agree with those we just have heard in Israel... here is another rock where Abraham alsto sacrificed Isaac, etc. The most interesting thing was a visit to the Samarian garizim museum. The Rabbi or High priest- we can't remember--was most gracious telling- actually enlightening us about the (good) samarians who now number only 600- the sacrafice site is next door where every year for passover an auspicious number of sheep are sacrificed and eatten. He was really cool and let us take his pictures while he talked. I think the number 3048 is the number of years they have been on this mountain where Jesus came and washed the Sumarian ladies' feet. This priest is working hard to help promote peace in the region- the Sumaritans are in a unique position as they are allies with both sides.
Our next stop was Sebastian, a Roman, Herodian, Bisantene site. There was an amphatheater, temple remains, house walls and a chirch all intermingled with olive trees and feilds of yellow and white flowers with a few red enenome intermersed. The photo above shows me on the stairs to John the Babtist's jail cell underground.
Before going on th Jericho we stopped to check out the market in Nablus. Lovely friendly people selling food, clothing and all local needs including a few sheep heads. We went to a local baker and ate som aunafa- sweet cheese with wheet topping- sounds bad but was really very good. The guide bought us all some sort of seedy stuff to take home with us to dip bread in- good also.
NExt was a stop at the Greek Orthodox church- JAcobs' Well. The well is in the grotto under the alter. No photos allowed except for Laurel who was allowed a shot by the priest. We also met an old monk who painted the entire interior in Giottoesque style. It was lovely and we all went and told him so after viewing it.
On over country roads, 2 lane highway which is the main north- south artery and dirt roads under constructions with US funds. We are finally in Jericho without incident. All 4 checkpaints waived us thru but we could see cars lined up forever going the other way. Apparently you can never plan the status of the checkpaints. Had a nice glass of beer with guide, driver and freinds and then group dinner in hotel.
Our next stop was Sebastian, a Roman, Herodian, Bisantene site. There was an amphatheater, temple remains, house walls and a chirch all intermingled with olive trees and feilds of yellow and white flowers with a few red enenome intermersed. The photo above shows me on the stairs to John the Babtist's jail cell underground.
Before going on th Jericho we stopped to check out the market in Nablus. Lovely friendly people selling food, clothing and all local needs including a few sheep heads. We went to a local baker and ate som aunafa- sweet cheese with wheet topping- sounds bad but was really very good. The guide bought us all some sort of seedy stuff to take home with us to dip bread in- good also.
NExt was a stop at the Greek Orthodox church- JAcobs' Well. The well is in the grotto under the alter. No photos allowed except for Laurel who was allowed a shot by the priest. We also met an old monk who painted the entire interior in Giottoesque style. It was lovely and we all went and told him so after viewing it.
On over country roads, 2 lane highway which is the main north- south artery and dirt roads under constructions with US funds. We are finally in Jericho without incident. All 4 checkpaints waived us thru but we could see cars lined up forever going the other way. Apparently you can never plan the status of the checkpaints. Had a nice glass of beer with guide, driver and freinds and then group dinner in hotel.
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